When it comes to furniture fabrication, it’s our mandate to combine the latest technology with the timeless care of handmade details. Here’s how we do it – Cutting Edge Tools
Cutting Edge Tools – Humans have been creating quality pieces of furniture for as long as manufacturing has existed – long before the invention of machinery or computer programming. But the top talents in furniture design and fabrication these days knows how to take advantage of the latest technological advancements, like 3D printing, cloud connections, even artificial intelligence and augmented reality. All of these technologies are making waves in furniture design. But they still don’t change time-honoured handmade fabrication techniques that ensure each piece receives personal care and attention. At RFP, we combine both to get the best of both worlds.
Here are a few of the Cutting Edge Tools we use in our process:
- CNC machining: This is a state-of-the-art manufacturing process linking 3D designs in CAD software with factory tools and machinery (CNC means “computer numerical control”). Following pre-programmed designs coded in our computer software, CNC machining ensures that cuts in any material (metal, plastic, wood, ceramic, or composite) are achieving perfect precision and accuracy every time. It even reduces waste in our materials, and that also saves our clients in overall cost.
- Lectra systems: Like our CNC process does for materials like wood and metal, Lectra systems do for fabric. By pairing our Lectra cutting machine with our computer software that design detailed and intricate fabric patterns, we know our process is as efficient as possible. It also allows us to do the most realistic 3D renderings as possible, which helps both us and our clients feel confident in the final product. Lectra is one of the biggest names on the textile industry around the world, even trusted by some of the most reputable fashion brands.Cutting Edge Tools
Even when using programs and machines that reflect the latest technological improvements, each piece that we produce at RFP has the individual eye and care of our skilled team: woodworkers sand, finish, and join the pieces by hand before they go through final approval by our design team. We may use computer automization to achieve perfection, but the finished pieces always get a personal touch. Cutting Edge Tools